JenksWoods Apartments

JenksWoods Apartments, located on Flat Street in Cumberland, RI, is a 61-unit development financed under the HUD Section 202 program. These apartments are one-bedroom units, with a limited number of wheelchair-accessible options. JenksWoods is a three-story building with units measuring approximately 540 square feet. Heat and hot water are included; residents will be responsible for paying for their electricity; however, they will receive an allowance to help defray this expense. Phone service and cable TV will be the financial responsibility of the residents.

Income eligibility is based on the total gross household income. At least one household member must be 62 years of age or older.

Applicants may be declined due to negative credit history, criminal history, or a negative landlord reference. Applicants must provide at least five years of landlord history. Our Resident Selection policy, which includes additional specific eligibility requirements, is available at our office upon request.

Required Documentation for Application
To apply for an apartment at JenksWoods, you must submit proof of legal status. This includes:

  • A birth certificate,
  • A valid photo ID, and
  • A Social Security card.

Failure to provide these documents may result in delays or disqualification of your application.

If you would like to apply to live at JenksWoods Apartments, please contact us for an application packet and the additional forms required, and return them to:

JenksWoods Apartments
25 Flat Street
Cumberland, RI 02864

Following a preliminary determination regarding your eligibility, you will be notified by mail of the results. If you appear to be eligible, you will be placed on the appropriate waitlist and notified when we anticipate having an apartment for you.

If you have any questions or require assistance applying for an apartment at JenksWoods, please contact us at (401)-658-2337.

Pre-rental application (this will open a PDF in a new window.)